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The Shrink Think Blog

Helpful news, information, and insights to prepare you for success in your sessions.


The Shrink Think Podcast empowers clients and supports therapists.

Hosted by Aaron Potratz and Nathan Hawkins, the engaging, informative conversations and light-hearted humor help to normalize and demystify therapy for those beginning or continuing their mental health journey.

Optimizing Therapy Onboarding: How the Right Intake Questions Make All the Difference

For both therapists and clients, a productive therapy relationship can start before the first visit, if onboarding is a...

5 Ways Therapy Solutions are Evolving with Technology and Telehealth

In the past 10, five, or even three years, the pace of technological change seems to have hit a speed previously...

Private Therapy Practice Trends to Watch in 2025

Private therapy practices have never been more popular, and if you’ve noticed a big uptick in clients since 2022,...

Redefining Healing Spaces: The Evolution of the Therapy Office

One of the most iconic images that comes to mind when we think about therapy is the couch in the clinician’s office....

Fostering Professional Growth Through Effective Clinician Onboarding

The field of mental health is continuing to increase in popularity and attract more clients, providing ever-more...

How to Choose a Therapist: Ensuring a Good Client-Therapist Relationship

Finding a therapist can be understandably nerve-wracking. Even if you’ve not yet sat on a therapist’s couch before...

Smooth Transition: Virtual Onboarding Tips for Therapy Office Staff

“Change management” is lingo more associated with the corporate world than with mental health. Still, it’s a phrase you...

Tips for Nurturing Efficiency in Your Group Therapy Practice

Many therapists are nurturers by nature. We get into this profession to help people better deal with life’s...

An Introduction to Couples Counseling: What to Expect from Your Therapy Sessions

Our relationships with romantic partners or spouses can be sources of validation, of support, joy, of hope and of...

Secret to Success: 4 Things to Know About Running a Private Therapy Practice

As a seasoned therapist, you’ve undoubtedly seen a world of different clients with different needs. You know the right...

3 Ways Virtual Counseling Onboarding Can Help You Grow Your Practice

For therapy practices, there’s opportunity to grow. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the...

How To Not Lose Yourself In Relationships

Welcome to the second part of our exploration into the nuances of self-identity and relationships. In this transcribed...

What's Confidential and What's Not In a Client-Therapist Relationship?

People seek therapy to get a kind of advice they can’t get from anyone else. A person can ask a particularly insightful...

What Is My "Self"?

In this transcribed episode of The Shrink Think Podcast, Aaron Potratz and Nathan Hawkins explore the intricate concept...

3 Virtual Onboarding Tips for Mental Health Clinicians

Giving incoming mental health clinicians and incoming clients alike access to online video content that walks them...

Overcoming Self-Sabotage: Embracing Personal Growth

Are you constantly feeling like you’re standing in your own way? Do you find it challenging to take ownership of your...

Virtual Onboarding and Couples Counseling: A Perfect Match

Couples counseling is a journey through complex emotional terrain, and even seasoned therapists acknowledge its...

Control Yourself Not Your Environment

In this transcribed episode of the Shrink Think Podcast, Nathan and Aaron talk about self control— how to control...

Virtual Therapy Onboarding: How It Works

There might be more to the recent reappearance of a show like Frasier on television than just the general pattern of...

Benefits of In-Person Therapy

In this transcribed episode of the Shrink Think Podcast, Nathan and Aaron discuss the dynamics of in-person therapy and...

Benefits & Drawbacks of Telehealth

In this transcribed episode of The Shrink Think Podcast, Aaron and Nathan dive into the pros and cons of telehealth...

The Cost and Time Efficiency of Virtual Onboarding

Money can be a hard topic for therapists to discuss. Plenty of practitioners would, if they could, make it so money was...

How To Be A Good Friend

In this transcribed episode of the Shrink Think Podcast, Nathan and Aaron talk about what it means to be a good friend...

Virtual Clinician Onboarding: A Game Changer for Group Practices

When you bring a new therapist into a group practice, your first order of business is getting them up to speed on...

Streamlining Clinician Onboarding in Private Practice

As in most fields, many elements of working in mental health simply cannot be taught in a graduate program. On the job,...

Virtual Client Onboarding: An Introduction for Mental Health Clinicians

As a mental health clinician, you know that the most effective therapeutic relationships work like ongoing...

Orienting Couples to Therapy

Couples counseling is NOT the same as individual. Whether you're a client or a therapist, there are some key...

Can You Talk Too Much In Therapy?

Is talking through your entire therapy session the best use of your time with a professional counselor? In this...

When Do You Need Family Therapy?

In this transcribed episode of the Shrink Think Podcast, Nathan and Aaron talk about when family therapy might be right...

3 Ways Patient Onboarding Software Is Revolutionizing the Therapy Intake Process

Intake is a term that can sound a little impersonal, and does not always carry the greatest connotations for therapists...

Transferring To A New Therapist

In this transcribed episode of the Shrink Think Podcast, Nathan and Aaron talk about transferring to a new...

6 Things to Know About Virtual Counseling Session Onboarding

As a professional therapist who wants to give their clients the best experience possible, you know that you need to pay...

What Is Informed Consent In Therapy?

Let's tear down the wall of assumptions when it comes to therapy sessions. In this transcribed episode of The Shrink...

The Future of Counseling Intake Forms: Why Going Online Can Improve the Therapy Experience

“Please come in 15 minutes early prior to your first appointment so you can fill out some paperwork for us.” If you...

Why Do Therapists Ask About Childhood?

Why do therapists always ask about your childhood? In this transcribed episode of The Shrink Think Podcast, Aaron and...

The Importance of a Counseling Intake Form: A Guide to Understanding and Completing the Process

Intake forms are a staple in service-oriented and healthcare professions, and for good reason. While the content varies...

Destigmatizing Mental Health

We're talking about the stigmatization about mental health, because let's be real, everybody is a human being and...

A Guide to Virtual Onboarding for In-Person Mental Health Services

Mental health counseling services cover a broad range of issues: anxiety disorders, mood and personality disorders,...

What Even Is Therapy?

You might be wondering, "Okay, you guys are therapists, but what would you say you do here? What even is therapy?" In...

Navigating Your First Therapy Session: What to Expect and How to Prepare

You identified the need for a therapist, did your research on local providers in your area, and booked your very first...